Everything you Need to Know About Paver Patterns: The 5 Best Patterns for Your Next Paver Patio

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Pavers are more than just a practical surface; they are a canvas upon which you can create stunning visual effects in your landscaping projects. Selecting the right paver pattern can elevate the aesthetics of your outdoor space. In this article, we’ll explore the various paver patterns, discuss their pros and cons, and shed light on the considerations that can help you make an informed choice. Whether you’re aiming for elegance, simplicity, or functionality, understanding paver patterns is the first step towards achieving your desired look.

Different Paver Patterns: A Creative Palette

Paver patterns come in a myriad of styles, each offering a unique visual impact. Here are some of the most popular choices:

Running Bond: The Timeless Linear Elegance

The running bond paver pattern is a classic choice that has stood the test of time for good reason. In this pattern, pavers are aligned in rows, creating a visually appealing and linear effect. What distinguishes running bond from other patterns is the staggering of each row, meaning that the pavers in one row are offset by half the length of the pavers in the adjacent row. This offsetting gives the pattern its characteristic appearance of continuous, running lines.

The benefits of the running bond pattern extend beyond aesthetics. It offers excellent structural stability, making it a practical choice for areas with moderate to heavy foot traffic. The staggered layout distributes weight evenly and helps prevent the formation of long, continuous seams that can be prone to shifting or cracking. Running bond is frequently used for walkways, driveways, and patios where a clean, linear look and durability are desired.

Herringbone: The Timeless Interlock

Herringbone is a classic paver pattern known for its exceptional stability and eye-catching design. The defining feature of the herringbone pattern is the placement of rectangular pavers at 45- or 90-degree angles, creating a V-shaped or zigzag layout. This interlocking arrangement enhances the pattern’s structural integrity, making it ideal for areas subjected to heavy loads, such as driveways and courtyards.

The diagonal orientation of the pavers not only adds visual interest but also helps distribute weight evenly. This makes herringbone one of the most stable and durable paver patterns available. It’s a timeless choice that blends seamlessly with both traditional and modern architectural styles, making it a versatile option for various landscaping projects.

Basketweave: Woven Elegance

Basketweave is a paver pattern that draws inspiration from the intricate weave of a traditional basket. In this pattern, pairs of rectangular pavers are laid perpendicular to each other in alternating fashion. This creates the illusion of woven tiles, imparting a charming and rustic aesthetic to your landscape.

Basketweave patterns are often used to evoke a sense of warmth and nostalgia. They work particularly well for patios, garden paths, and outdoor dining areas, adding a touch of character and texture to the space. While not as structurally robust as herringbone or running bond, basketweave is still suitable for moderate traffic areas and can contribute to the overall charm of your outdoor environment.

Circular: Focal Points of Elegance

Circular paver laying patterns are all about creating eye-catching focal points in your landscape design. These patterns involve arranging pavers in concentric circles, spirals, or radiating patterns. Circular designs are ideal for accentuating specific areas, such as garden features, fire pits, or decorative courtyards.

Circular patterns can add a sense of elegance and sophistication to your outdoor space, making them a popular choice for formal gardens or spaces where you want to draw attention. They create a sense of movement and flow, leading the eye towards a central point of interest. However, due to their intricate nature, circular patterns can be more challenging to install, requiring careful planning and attention to detail.

Random: Embracing Nature’s Irregularity

As the name suggests, random paver patterns embrace irregularity and a relaxed, natural appearance. This pattern involves laying pavers in a seemingly irregular arrangement, avoiding any noticeable repetition. The goal is to mimic the appearance of naturally placed stones or the organic flow of nature.

Random patterns are often chosen when you want to create a casual and informal atmosphere in your outdoor space. They are perfect for pathways, garden stepping stones, and areas where you want to evoke a sense of spontaneity and a connection to the surrounding environment. Random patterns offer a unique and visually appealing look, but they can be more challenging to plan and install compared to more structured patterns like running bond or herringbone. However, the result is a landscape that feels authentic and harmonious with nature’s irregular beauty.

Which Paver Pattern is Best?

Selecting the ideal paver laying pattern for your landscaping project isn’t a one-size-fits-all decision; it hinges on a variety of factors that revolve around your unique goals and aesthetic preferences. Let’s delve deeper into these considerations to help you make an informed choice:

Design Aesthetics

Your preferred design aesthetics play a pivotal role in choosing the right paver patterns. Each pattern carries its distinct visual impact:

  • Classic Patterns: Patterns like herringbone and running bond exude timeless elegance. They offer a sense of order and structure, making them well-suited for formal landscapes or areas where a traditional, enduring look is desired.
  • Random Patterns: In contrast, random patterns provide a relaxed, natural appearance. They mimic the irregular beauty of nature, making them perfect for more casual, rustic, or informal settings. If you aim to create a space that feels spontaneous and harmonious with the outdoors, a random pattern might be your best choice.

Consider the overall style and ambiance you want to achieve in your landscaping project. Your chosen pattern should align with the atmosphere you wish to create.


For areas subjected to heavy traffic, such as driveways or high-traffic pathways, stability is a paramount concern. Patterns with interlocking designs, like herringbone or basketweave, offer excellent structural stability. The interlocking nature of these patterns evenly distributes weight across the pavers, minimizing the risk of shifting or cracking.

If your project involves such high-traffic areas, opting for a stable pattern is the best choice for ensuring long-lasting durability. The last thing you want is uneven surfaces or pavers that can’t withstand the daily wear and tear.


Consider your comfort level with complexity and the expertise available for installation:

  • Simple Patterns: Patterns like running bond and random layouts tend to be simpler to install. They are well-suited for DIY enthusiasts or projects with limited installation expertise. The straightforward nature of these patterns can save time and labor costs.
  • Intricate Patterns: Circular and complex designs are visually stunning but can be challenging to plan and execute correctly. These patterns may require professional installation due to their intricacy. If you’re working with a skilled installer and want a show-stopping design, these patterns can be a superb choice.

Your choice should align with the level of complexity you’re comfortable with and the skills available for the installation process.


Budget considerations often play a significant role in the decision-making process. It’s essential to weigh the cost of materials, labor, and any additional requirements for each pattern.

  • Random Patterns: As mentioned, random patterns are generally easier and quicker to install. This simplicity can lead to potential savings on labor costs, making them a budget-friendly option.
  • Intricate Patterns: Circular and intricate designs, while visually striking, may require more time and expertise to install. This can result in higher labor costs, which should be factored into your budget.

Ultimately, your budget should align with your chosen pattern, and it’s essential to strike a balance between achieving your desired aesthetic and staying within your financial means.

Why No Cross Joints on a Patio? 

Cross joints, where two perpendicular rows of pavers meet in a grid-like fashion, might seem like a straightforward way to arrange your patio pavers. However, there are important reasons why this practice is generally discouraged in patio design and why patterns like herringbone, basketweave, or running bond are often recommended instead.

Weak Points in Your Patio

One of the primary issues with cross joints is that they create weak points within the patio structure. When pavers intersect at right angles, it forms a T-shaped junction. Over time, these intersections can become vulnerable to movement and shifting. This vulnerability occurs for several reasons:

  • Traffic Load: The center of the T-shaped junction tends to bear the brunt of the pressure from foot traffic or other loads, causing the pavers in that area to settle unevenly.
  • Lack of Interlocking: Cross joints do not interlock like pavers in patterns such as herringbone or running bond. This lack of interlocking means that the pavers at the cross joints are not securely held in place, making them more prone to shifting.

Uneven Surface Over Time

As cross joints weaken and pavers begin to shift, the result is often an uneven surface on your patio. This can create tripping hazards and detract from the overall aesthetics of your outdoor space. Uneven surfaces can also affect the structural integrity of the patio over time.

Ensuring Stability and Durability

To ensure the stability and durability of your patio, it’s advisable to use paver patterns that promote even weight distribution and interlocking. Patterns like herringbone, basketweave, and running bond distribute the load more evenly across the pavers, reducing the risk of settling or shifting.

  • Herringbone: Herringbone patterns, with their angled placement of pavers, create a continuous, interlocking surface that enhances stability. The diagonal orientation of the pavers ensures that the load is dispersed evenly.
  • Basketweave: Similar to herringbone, basketweave patterns involve pairs of pavers laid perpendicular to each other. This interlocking design provides stability and helps prevent individual pavers from moving.
  • Running Bond: Running bond patterns align pavers in linear rows with staggered joints. This staggered arrangement distributes weight effectively and is commonly used in high-traffic areas like driveways and patios.

In summary, avoiding cross joints in your patio design is a practical measure to ensure the long-term stability and durability of the surface. By choosing paver patterns that interlock and distribute weight evenly, you can create a patio that not only looks great but also withstands the test of time and usage, providing a safe and enjoyable outdoor space for years to come.

What is the Easiest Paving Pattern To Install? 

Selecting the easiest paving pattern for your project is a wise decision, especially if you’re a DIY enthusiast or have limited experience with paver installation. However, it’s essential to recognize that the ease of installation depends not only on your skill level but also on the specific requirements of your project. Let’s explore this in more detail:

Running Bond 

Running bond is often considered one of the easiest paving patterns to install, and for good reason. In this pattern, pavers are laid in linear rows, with each row staggered, creating a simple, grid-like design. The straightforward nature of running bond makes it accessible to both beginners and experienced DIYers. Here’s why it’s so user-friendly:

  • Straightforward Layout: Running bond involves placing pavers in a straight line, making it easy to create a neat, linear surface without the complexity of intricate angles or patterns.
  • Minimal Cutting: The staggered layout often reduces the need for cutting pavers at the edges, simplifying the installation process.

Random Patterns 

Random patterns are another category of easy-to-install paving patterns. As the name suggests, they involve laying pavers in a seemingly irregular arrangement, avoiding noticeable repetition. Random patterns embrace the relaxed, natural appearance of stones arranged by nature, and this informality can simplify installation:

  • No Precise Alignment: Unlike structured patterns, random layouts don’t require precise alignment or complex calculations. You can place pavers in a way that looks visually pleasing without strict adherence to a predefined pattern.
  • Less Cutting: Because the pattern is intentionally irregular, there’s often less need for cutting pavers, reducing the time and effort required for installation.


Choosing the right paver pattern is an essential step in creating a visually appealing and functional landscape. Whether you prefer the timeless elegance of herringbone, the relaxed charm of random patterns, or the stability of running bond, your choice should align with your design goals and practical considerations. As a landscaping and construction business owner, I encourage you to explore the possibilities that different paver patterns offer, ensuring that your outdoor space becomes a work of art that stands the test of time.

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