How to Cut Pavers: The 3 Best Methods

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Cutting pavers is a skill that can transform your landscaping or construction project from ordinary to extraordinary. Whether you’re creating a stunning patio, a winding pathway, or constructing intricate designs, knowing how to cut pavers is essential for achieving the perfect fit and finish. But, it’s not just about grabbing a saw and slicing away. Precision, safety, and the right tools are key. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the art and science of cutting pavers, sharing techniques, tips, and insights to help you master this essential skill. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a professional contractor, you’ll find valuable information here to elevate your paver projects to a whole new level.

Why Do You Need To Cut Pavers?

Cutting pavers is a necessary skill because it allows you to customize the layout of your project to fit your design vision and space requirements precisely. While pavers come in standard shapes and sizes, landscapes and construction projects often demand unique configurations due to factors like curves, corners, or obstructions. Cutting pavers enables you to:

  • Achieve Precise Fits: Cutting pavers ensures that they fit precisely into the desired space, leaving no gaps or awkwardly shaped pieces.
  • Create Custom Patterns: Cutting pavers allows you to create intricate patterns and designs, adding aesthetic appeal to your project.
  • Work Around Obstacles: Sometimes, there are obstacles like trees, utility poles, or structures that require pavers to be cut to accommodate their presence.
  • Optimize Layout: Cutting pavers helps you make the most of your materials, reducing waste and minimizing costs.

Essential Tools and Safety Precautions to Cut Pavers

When it comes to cutting pavers, having the right tools and prioritizing safety are paramount. Here’s a list of necessary tools and safety gear, along with some tips on maintaining a well-ventilated workspace:

Tools to Cut Pavers:

  1. Wet Saw: A wet saw is the primary tool for cutting pavers. It uses a diamond-coated blade and water to minimize dust and keep the blade cool during cutting. There are both hand-held and table-mounted wet saws available.
  2. Chisels and Hammer: For making detailed or minor adjustments to paver cuts, a chisel and hammer can be handy. They are particularly useful when you need to remove small sections of the paver.
  3. Measuring Tools: A tape measure, straightedge, and carpenter’s square are essential for accurate measurements and straight cuts.
  4. Safety Gear:
    • Protective Eyewear: Safety glasses or goggles protect your eyes from flying debris and water splashback from the wet saw.
    • Hearing Protection: Earplugs or earmuffs are crucial to safeguard your hearing from the noise generated by the saw.
    • Dust Mask: A dust mask or respirator helps filter out airborne particles and ensures you’re not inhaling dust during the cutting process.
    • Gloves: Wear gloves to protect your hands while handling pavers and operating the saw.
  5. Extension Cord: If you’re using an electric wet saw, you may need an extension cord to reach your work area.

Safety Measures:

  1. Protective Gear: Always wear the recommended safety gear, including protective eyewear, hearing protection, and a dust mask or respirator. These items safeguard your well-being while cutting pavers.
  2. Well-Ventilated Workspace: Set up your cutting area in a well-ventilated location, preferably outdoors. Proper ventilation helps disperse dust and fumes generated during cutting, maintaining a healthier working environment.
  3. Follow Manufacturer Instructions: Adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions for operating the wet saw. Ensure that it is set up correctly and the water supply is adequate to keep the blade cool and minimize dust.
  4. Secure the Pavers: Use clamps or a non-slip surface to secure the paver while cutting. This prevents the paver from moving unexpectedly during the cutting process, reducing the risk of accidents.
  5. Avoid Overreaching: Maintain proper balance and posture while operating the saw. Avoid overreaching or standing in an awkward position, which can lead to accidents.
  6. Keep Work Area Clean: Regularly remove debris and water buildup from the cutting area. A clean workspace enhances visibility and reduces slip hazards.
  7. Turn Off When Not in Use: Always switch off the saw when not in use, especially if you’re adjusting the blade or making measurements.
  8. Training: If you’re not experienced with using a wet saw, consider seeking guidance or training from a professional or taking a course on safe operation.

By ensuring you have the right tools and following these safety measures, you can effectively and safely cut pavers for your landscaping or construction project, all while minimizing health risks and hazards.

Choosing the Right Method to Cut Pavers

Cutting pavers is a common task in landscaping and construction, and various methods can be employed to achieve precise cuts. Here, we’ll discuss three primary methods for cutting pavers – using a wet saw, a chisel and hammer, and a guillotine-style splitter – along with their pros and cons to help you choose the most suitable method for your project.

Wet Saw:


  • Precision: Wet saws provide highly accurate cuts, making them ideal for projects that demand precision, such as intricate designs or tight-fitting pavers.
  • Clean Cuts: The wet saw’s diamond-coated blade and water cooling system minimize dust and debris, resulting in cleaner cuts.
  • Versatility: They can cut various types of pavers, including concrete, natural stone, and porcelain.


  • Cost: Wet saws can be expensive to purchase or rent, which may not be cost-effective for small-scale projects.
  • Setup: The setup and cleanup for a wet saw can be time-consuming.
  • Safety: Operating a wet saw requires proper safety gear, such as goggles, a dust mask, and ear protection, and safety precautions due to the risk of injury.

Chisel and Hammer:


  • Affordability: Chisels and hammers are inexpensive and readily available.
  • Portability: They’re easy to transport and can be used on-site without electricity.
  • Control: Allows for detailed and controlled cuts, especially when creating curves or notches.


  • Labor-Intensive: This method is physically demanding and time-consuming, making it less suitable for larger projects.
  • Less Precision: Achieving straight and precise cuts can be challenging, especially for beginners.
  • Dust and Debris: Cutting this way generates more dust and debris than a wet saw, which can be messy.

Guillotine-Style Splitter:

Pros of :

  • Ease of Use: Guillotine-style splitters are user-friendly and require minimal effort to operate.
  • Speed: They can make quick work of cutting standard-sized pavers, enhancing efficiency.
  • Safety: These tools are generally safer to use than a chisel and hammer.


  • Limited to Straight Cuts: Guillotine-style splitters are best suited for straight cuts and may not be suitable for complex designs.
  • Less Precision: They may not provide the level of precision required for intricate patterns or tight fits.
  • Size Limitations: These tools have limitations in terms of the size and thickness of pavers they can cut.

Selecting the Most Suitable Method:

  • Project Size: For small projects or a limited number of cuts, a chisel and hammer may suffice. For larger projects or intricate designs, consider a wet saw.
  • Budget: If cost is a significant concern, a chisel and hammer are the most budget-friendly option.
  • Complexity: If your project involves intricate designs or tight-fitting pavers, a wet saw is the best choice for precision.
  • Time Constraints: Guillotine-style splitters are the fastest for straight cuts, so they’re great for projects with time constraints.

Ultimately, the choice of cutting method depends on the specific requirements of your project, your budget, and your comfort level with the chosen tool. It’s essential to prioritize safety and precision while considering these factors.

Cut Pavers with a Wet Saw

Using a wet saw is an efficient method for cutting pavers. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a wet saw for cutting pavers:

Step 1: Set Up the Wet Saw:

  • Position the wet saw on a stable surface, such as a workbench or sawhorse.
  • Fill the saw’s water reservoir according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This water helps control dust and keeps the blade cool during cutting.
  • Check that the blade is properly installed and securely tightened.

Step 2: Adjust the Saw:

  • Most wet saws allow you to adjust the cutting depth and angle. Set the cutting depth to the thickness of the paver you’re cutting.
  • Adjust the angle if you need beveled or angled cuts. Refer to the saw’s manual for guidance on specific adjustments.

Step 3: Mark the Paver:

  • Use a measuring tape, square, and pencil to mark the cutting line on the paver’s surface. Double-check your measurements for accuracy.
  • If you’re making multiple cuts, consider using layout lines to guide your cuts uniformly.

Step 4: Position the Paver:

  • Place the marked paver on the saw’s cutting table. Ensure it’s secure and won’t wobble during cutting.
  • Position the paver so that the cutting line aligns with the blade’s path.

Step 5: Start the Wet Saw:

  • Turn on the wet saw following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Allow the blade to reach its full speed before making the cut.

Step 6: Make the Cut:

  • Gently push the paver into the rotating blade, following the marked cutting line.
  • Maintain a slow, steady pace to ensure a clean and accurate cut.
  • Use light pressure; let the saw’s blade do the cutting. Excessive force can lead to chipping or uneven cuts.

Step 7: Finish the Cut:

  • Once you’ve cut through the paver, turn off the wet saw and allow the blade to come to a complete stop.
  • Gently remove the cut piece from the saw’s table.

Step 8: Test Your Cut:

  • Before proceeding with additional cuts, examine the cut paver to ensure it meets your requirements. Make any necessary adjustments to the saw’s settings if needed.

Step 9: Repeat as Necessary:

  • Continue this process for each paver you need to cut, ensuring that your measurements and settings remain consistent for uniform cuts.

Using a wet saw can provide clean and precise cuts on pavers, making it a popular choice for various projects. Remember to prioritize safety, maintain your equipment, and practice patience to achieve the best results.

Cut Pavers with Hand Tools

Using a chisel and hammer for smaller cuts or a guillotine-style splitter for more substantial cuts are alternative methods for cutting pavers. Here’s a guide to each technique:

Chisel and Hammer Method (Smaller Cuts)

This method is suitable for making smaller, controlled cuts on pavers.


  1. Mark the Cut Line: Use a pencil and straightedge to mark the desired cutting line on the paver’s surface.
  2. Position the Chisel: Place the brick chisel on the marked line, ensuring it aligns with your intended cut.
  3. Score the Paver: Gently tap the chisel with a ball-peen hammer along the marked line to create a scoreline. Make several passes along the line to deepen the score.
  4. Break the Paver: Position the chisel on the scoreline, then strike it firmly with the hammer. The paver should break along the scored line. If it doesn’t break cleanly, repeat the process until you achieve the desired cut.
  5. Smooth Edges: Use the chisel and hammer to smooth any rough or uneven edges on the cut paver.

Guillotine-Style Splitter (Larger Cuts)

This method is ideal for larger cuts, such as when you need to split a paver in half.


  1. Mark the Cut Line: Use a pencil or chalk to mark the exact point where you want to split the paver.
  2. Position the Paver: Place the paver into the guillotine-style splitter, aligning the marked line with the splitter’s cutting edge.
  3. Engage the Splitter: Depending on the model, you may need to pull a lever or operate a handle to engage the cutting mechanism.
  4. Apply Pressure: Apply steady, even pressure on the splitter’s handle or lever to initiate the cut. The splitter will exert force on the paver until it splits along the marked line.
  5. Inspect the Cut: After the cut is complete, carefully remove the split paver sections. Inspect the edges to ensure a clean and even split.

Tips for Clean Hand-Cuts:

  • Always wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from debris.
  • Score the paver with the chisel multiple times before attempting to break it to ensure a clean cut.
  • For guillotine-style splitters, make sure the paver is positioned accurately and that you apply even pressure to achieve a straight cut.
  • When using a chisel and hammer, practice patience and maintain control to prevent unintended breaks or chips.
  • Consider practicing on a scrap paver before making cuts on the actual project pavers to get a feel for the technique.

Both of these methods are suitable for specific cutting needs, but they may not provide the precision and uniformity that a wet saw can offer for more complex projects.


Cutting pavers may seem like a daunting task, but armed with the right knowledge and tools, it becomes an achievable skill. The key to success lies in choosing the appropriate cutting method, prioritizing safety, and carefully planning your cuts. Remember to measure accurately, mark your pavers clearly, and apply even pressure during the cutting process.

Safety should always be paramount, so don’t forget your protective gear, maintain a clean workspace, and follow manufacturer guidelines for tool operation.

Common problems like chipping and cracking can be mitigated with a little know-how. Practicing on spare pavers will boost your confidence and skill level. Additionally, if dust is a concern, opt for a wet saw or work in a well-ventilated area.

Efficiency also plays a role, so plan your cuts to minimize waste and save time.

With these tips in mind, you’re well-prepared to tackle your paver cutting projects with confidence. Whether you’re enhancing your patio, walkway, or driveway, the precision you achieve will bring your landscaping and construction projects to life.

We invite you to share your experiences, questions, or additional tips. Your engagement is valuable, and we’re here to support your paver cutting endeavors.

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